
Senin, 12 Agustus 2013


Dia itu salah satu member dari BANGTAN BOYS atau BTS
Jung Kook itu pemalu tapi member termuda BTS ini jago dalam banyak hal, ia dikenal memiliki suara yang merdu serta memiliki kemampuan dance yang luar biasa.

Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Over Story 2

Over Story 2
Setiap harinya Jane tak pernah seharipun melewatkan harinya tanpa memikirkan Piere, bayang-bayangnya selalu datang dan membuat Jane sulit melupakannya. Suatu malam ketika teman-teman Jane sedang asik bermain, Jane yang kelelahan kembali mengingat saat dimana ia pergi kesebuah toko untuk membeli sebuah minuman dan tak disangka ternyata toko itu milik keluarga Piere, hal tak terduga tersebut membuat Jane kaget dan resah karena harus kembali bertemu dengan kisah rumitnya itu. 
Saat sedang asik merenung, sahabat Jane menepuk bahu Jane, seketika pula Jane berbalik badan dan apa yang ia lihat? Saat itu Piere sedang melihatnya sambil tersenyum. Jane berkata dalam hatinya “apa yang sebenarnya terjadi? apakah aku masih menyukainya? apakah dia merasakan hal yang sama? jika aku tidak menyukainya mengapa aku terus memikirkannya?”
Hari ini Jane memutuskan untuk menemui Piere di sebuah taman, dari jauh Jane melihat Piere sedang membaca buku. Kemudian Jane mendekat dan mulai berbicara dengannya, ia akhirnya memberitahukan rasa yang selama ini dia rasakan pada Piere. Namun, setelah itu ia menegaskan pada Piere bahwa ia akan mengakhiri perasaan tersebut karena tau semuanya tak akan pernah terjadi. Piere yang masih tidak percaya dengan ucapan Jane hanya diam terpaku, Jane kemudian segera pergi berlari meninggalkan Piere.
Hari ini hasil kelulusan kakak kelas Jane keluar, mereka semua mendapat nilai yang tinggi dan memuaskan. Walau Jane masih sedih karena kisah cintanya berakhir dengan tidak memuaskan namun Jane senang ia telah mengambil keputusan yang tepat. Sekarang ia memutuskan untuk tidak akan bertemu Piere lagi dan menutup kisah mereka.Tamat. 

Senin, 18 Maret 2013

Over Story 1

Over Story
   Di suatu siang yang amat sangat panas seorang anak perempuan bernama Jane yang masih duduk di bangku sekolah menengah pertama sedang bersusah payah menghafalkan gerakan tari untuk Pentas Seni sekolahnya yang akan berlangsung dua minggu lagi. Selesai latihan, saat ia berbincang dengan temannya tiba-tiba seorang kakak kelasnya yang bernama Piere lewat di hadapannya dengan kondisi kaki yang kesakitan. Seketika tatapan mata Jane beralih melihatnya, dan seakan melihat seseorang yang sudah lama dia tunggu Jane terpaku dengan keberadaan lelaki tersebut. Dalam keadaan sakit Piere tetap melaksanakan kewajibannya, hal tersebut sangatlah menyentuh hati Jane, ia kemudian berfikir untuk mencari identitas kakak kelasnya tersebut.
   Jane yang tidak terlalu suka dengan social grup hanya memiliki “Facebook” dan itu adalah satu-satunya jalan untuk mencari tau identitas kakak kelasnya itu. Setelah lama mencari akhirnya ia menemukan akun milik kaka kelasnya itu. Lucu sekali bahwa ternyata tanggal lahir mereka dekat dan hanya berjarak 9 hari. Mereka banyak memiliki kesamaan seperti bulan lahir, tanggal kesukaan, sama-sama periang dan sebagainya. Piere seakan memberikan harapan baik pada Jane, iya selalu tersenyum ketika melihat Jane, melihat ke kelasnya setiap ingin ke laboratorium bahasa, bahkan sering kali bermain disekitarnya. Hal tersebut lambat laun membuat Jane semakin tertarik dan mengagumi Piere. 
   “Minggu 26-Februari-2012 di harapkan semua pengisi acara dan panitia pentas seni tanggal 27-Februari-2012 datang untuk melaksanakan geladi resik” ucap guru di speaker sekolah. Sambil menghela nafas Jane langsung menghampiri temannya yang ikut menari juga untuk menanyakan akan datang pada pukul berapa. Keesokan harinya setelah latihan dilapangan Jane pergi ke kelasnya yang berada dilantai 2 untuk istirahat, tidak disangka Piere ada di teras kelasnya. Itu membuat Jane kaget dan langsung berlari kencang menuju kelasnya, beberapa saat kemudian teman Jane, Tania mengajaknya untuk keluar kelas. Tiba-tiba Piere dan kawan-kawannya lewat dengan perlahan sambil mengatakan “manis...manis....sini deh..manis...” hal itu membuat pipi Jane dan Tania merah.
   Selesai latihan Jane pergi menemui ketua extracurricularnya untuk menolongnya membawa sebuah papan tulis berukuran sedang ke kelas agar tidak terkena tetesan air hujan. Ketika menaiki tangga tiba-tiba Jane sadar bahwa Piere dan Adele kawannya berada di belakangnya, Jane pun mencoba berjalan lebih cepat namun dia tidak kuat dan tidak sengaja berkata “Aduh berat banget” dengan cepat Piere langsung berkata “Sini aku bantu” sambil meletakkan tangannya di atas tangan Jane, Jane pun berkata “Gak usah kak” Piere hanya tersenyum dan membuat Jane tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa, setelah sampai di lantai 2 Jane dengan cepat berkata “Makasih ya kak” dan langsung berjalan dengan sangat cepat menuju kelasnya. Ternyata Piere mengikutinnya seketika Adele berkata “Woy kan kita udah kesana” Piere menjawab “serius?” ia pun langsung berlari menuju tangga sambil menggaruk kepalanya yang tidak gatal. 
   Hal itu selalu terbayang di pikiran Jane sampai keesokan harinya. Peristiwa aneh itu terus berputar dikepalanya hingga haripun kini berganti. Tibalah hari pentas seni yang telah lama ia tunggu, Jane kini temgah bersiap untuk tampil memperlihatkan hasil latihannya selama ini. 
 Selesai tampil Jane langsung menukar pakaiannya dan pergi ke teras kelasnya untuk melihat Piere dari atas, saat band yang dibentuk oleh kakak kelas dan teman-teman seolah dasarnya tampil, Jane berteriak memanggil nama drumer band tersebut. Piere yang sedang duduk santai dibawah seketika langsung menoleh keatas dan meninggalkan tempat ia duduk. Jane pun bingung kenapa tiba-tiba ia pergi ’?’. seakan cemburu Piere pun pergi ke ujung kursi penonton dan terlihat diam sambil memikirkan sesuatu. 
   Hampir sebulan sikap Piere berubah kepada Jane, ia tidak sekalipun melihat Jane apa lagi tersenyum padanya. Jane pun berusaha untuk melupakan Piere namun, tanpa ia sadari ia justru semakin memikirkan kakak kelasnya itu. Jane selalu mencari tau apapun yang berhubungan dengan Piere, mulai dari saat kelas 7 ia masuk kelas 7 berapa, mantan pacarnya, ekskul yang diikutinya, dan berbagai hal-hal lain seputar Piere. Satu hal yang paling “frontal” yang dilakukan Jane adalah dengan menuliskan “JP” ditangannya setiap ia sekolah. Entah apa pengaruhnya namun semenjak itu sikap Piere mulai kembali lagi seperti dulu. Hal itu tentu saja membuat hati Jane kembali terbang.
    Hari ini angkatan Jane akan mengadakan reonian di sebuah cafe, di cafe tersebut suasana sangat membosankan, akhirnya teman Jane mengusulkan untuk mereka pergi nonton bareng suatu film saja. Akhirnya Jane dan beberapa temannya pergi menuju bioskop terdekat. Sesampainya disana mereka langsung memesan tiket dan pergi duduk sambil menunggu film yang mereka akan tonton. Mereka pun membicarakan tentang teman dekat, dan mau tak mau akhirnya Jane bercerita soal Piere. Tak lama berselang hal yang tak terduga terjadi, Piere muncul bersama kawan-kawannya,bhal itu sangat mengagetkan Jane namun ternyata masih ada hal yang lebih parah lagi apakah itu? Ternyata mereka nonton film yang sama. Saat Piere lewat di samping Jane seketika Jane langsung berkata“Kak Piere?” Piere pun menjawab “Iya ”jantung Jane langsung berdetak kencang mendengarnya.
    Keesokan harinya di malam yang sejuk sepulang bermain Jane pergi untuk membeli es krim, tanpa hujan atau pun angin tiba-tiba Ibu Jane langsung menghampirinya dan berkata “Jane ada teman kamu tuh” Jane menjawab “Hah,siapa bu?” seketika Jane langsung pergi ke ruang tamu dan apa yang dia lihat? Piere sedang duduk dan menatapnya sambil melemparkan senyumannya kepada Jane. Jane yang gugup langsung berlari keluar  rumah menuju rumah sahabatnya Bella. Sesampainya dirumah sahabatnya ia langsung memberikan es krim yang baru ia beli dan menceritakan apa yang terjadi.
    Setelah kejadian tersebut Jane memutuskan untuk menjauhi Piere namun hal itu sangat menyiksa Jane. Piere yang selalu bertemu Jane ingin sekali menyapanya namun Jane selalu mencoba menjauhi Piere. Tak lama kemudian Piere menjalin hubungan dengan temanya yang bernama Rose dan hal itu membuat Jane makin berusaha melupakan Piere dan menyukai kakak kelasnya yang bernama Jake yang ternyata merupakan mantan kekasih pacarnya Piere sekarang, namun kisah cinta Piere tak berjalan lancar sebulan lebih berlalu mereka pun akhirnya berpisah.
to be continued

Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013


Kali ini saya ingin bercerita sedikit mengenai negara asal saya yaitu, Indonesia. Indonesia merupakan negara yang indah, yang syarat akan nilai-nilai seni dan luhur.

Negara ini di ikat oleh 5 sila yang mencerminkan nilai luhur penduduknya yang diberi nama Pancasila. Menurut saya Pancasila merupakan 5 hal yang sekilas terlihat sederhana namun dibalik itu menyimpan jutaan makna yang amat mendalam mengenai kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara di Indonesia.

Garuda merupakan simbol negara ini dibawahnya terdapat tulisan binneka tunggal ika yang artinya berbeda beda tetapi tetap satu jua/tujuan.
ini bendera kebangsaan Indonesia warnanya merah putih, merah itu melambangkan keberanian sedangkan putih melambangkan kesucian.
Indonesia terdiri atas 34 propinsi yang masing masing memiliki budaya yang seru dan asik untuk dijelajahi serta dipelajari.
Indonesia juga menjadi paru paru dunia loh,terutama pohon-pohon tinggi dan kuat di Kalimantan.

Senin, 28 Januari 2013


Tumblr Of Countries

Dongeng Luar

Once upon a time there was a princess called Tanya, who lived in a very, very, very big castle. The princess’s parents, that is to say, the king and queen, wanted her to marry a handsome knight called Norman, who would often visit them to discuss the land they shared, so Tanya and Norman saw plenty of each other.
Unfortunately Tanya didn’t love him. Although they got on well enough, she didn’t much like him, for Norman was very boastful.

One day, Tanya the princess was talking to Norman about the new decorations the king and queen were going to make in the castle, when suddenly Norman changed the subject and said: “Tanya, I like you a lot. In fact, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

The princess was shocked but instead of firm “NO“, she said: “Norman, you’re a very handsome knight, but I like to be honest with people. So I’m going to tell you what I don’t like about you, which is this: firstly, you’re a show-off, because you like boasting about the clothes you wear when really a person’s clothes aren’t that important; secondly, you spit in the street which is disgusting, and lastly, I’m not going to marry you just because my parents tell me to: I’m going to marry a man I really love.”

Norman reflected long and hard on what the princess had said. To begin with, he felt bad about her opinion of him, but he soon cheered up when he realised that all the things she mentioned were things he could change. It wasn’t his personality that annoyed her, but his behaviour.

So Norman began trying not to brag about his clothes, and started to feel happy in more modest clothing. He also learned not to spit in the street so as not to look horrible and coarse, and he felt better about that, too. And finally, he went to talk to the king and queen to ask them not to talk to the princess Tanya about him, and that way she wouldn’t feel pressured into marrying him.

Tanya and Norman continued spending time together and gradually Tanya began to notice the change in his habits. Seeing that he no longer did horrible things, she also began to notice other details about him, and to like him.

Eventually the princess fell in love and married him.
So you see how the princess’s honesty gave the knight the chance to think and change a few little things that had upset her. Honesty helps people find solutions to lots of problems.

Once upon a time there was a little ant called Anita. She was very hard-working and lived in an anthill with the rest of her family – about 50,000 relatives.

The ants were busy storing the grain for the winter so that when the cold weather came there would be enough food for everyone. But this year, the grain was very small and difficult to transport. It was a gloomy situation and even the wisest old ants weren’t sure they could survive the winter.

But Anita wanted to store as much grain as possible to help her family, and she knew that by showing an optimistic attitude around the rest of the ants, they could do it. So off she went to train with an ant who was much stronger than her, an ant called Alexander.

Alexander taught her a few tricks on how to carry more grain with the same amount of effort. Anita trained for a few days and as the days went past, she was able to carry more and more.

When Anita was finally ready, she called the rest of the ants together and told them: “I know you think we won’t survive the winter. But I have a solution: firstly, you have to believe we can do it, and secondly, I’ll teach you what you need to do to carry more grain.”

And so the whole anthill set to work like Anita said, with optimism and a hopeful heart, and before the winter arrived they had already gathered more grain than the year before. And so it was that, thanks to Anita, all the ants survived the winter without any problem.

Princess Isabella
Princess Isabella, a short story by LJ Kundananji
Once upon a time, in a far, far away land, there lived a very beautiful princess by the name of Isabella. She was very beautiful and had long, golden hair. She lived in a beautiful castle whose walls were made of gold, and nothing but beautiful, shiny gold. The moat was full of water that was so clear you could see the beautiful gold fish gracefully swimming in it. People came from all over the world came to admire this beautiful castle, the beautiful gold fish that swam in its moat, and the beautiful princess that lived in it.

Isabella was not only beautiful, but she also had a very good heart. She was kind to everyone, especially the poor and needy. For this reason, she was dearly loved by all. It seems she took after her father who was also very kind and generous to his subjects. However, her mother, the queen, was very wicked at heart. She was unkind to everyone and treated her subjects very badly. As a result no one in the kingdom loved her.

In time, the queen noticed that her daughter was more loved than she was and that she had lost the favor of all her subjects. In addition, her daughter was more beautiful than her and was becoming more and more beautiful by the day. This filled the queen with a great, deadly rage and she began to despise her own daughter. Her hatred for Isabella grew so big that one day, she decided to get rid of her.

Isabella happened to be walking in the gardens of the castle, admiring the beautiful, green trees and the beautiful flowers and talking to the gold fish that swam lazily in the ponds, when suddenly the guards who guarded her turned upon her, seized her and muffled her up with an old, dirty rag. She fought furiously to break free but they were too strong. They quickly bound her and threw her into a carriage that stood waiting nearby and drove out of the castle, the horses that drew the carriage galloping off at a furious speed. So that she could not see where she was being taken, a sack was thrust over her head.

After ascertaining that her dastardly deed had been carried out, the queen ran to see the king. She fell upon her knees before him, shading floods of tears and wailing on the top of her voice.

“My King!” she cried, “a bad, evil deed has been done!”
“What say you?” the king demanded, surprised and shocked.
“Your enemy, King Flatfeet, has kidnapped your daughter and hid her in a dark dungeon guarded by ten strong trolls.”
“What say you!” the king said again, jumping onto his feet, his crown almost falling off his head.
“The dungeon, guarded by the trolls is found in the great, dark forest, which is full of giants, monsters, and other terrible creatures.”  
“I’ll get my best men and send them to the dark forest at once!” the king said. And so that is what the king did. He got fifty of his best men and sent them to the dark forest to rescue his daughter. But these men were easily subdued and killed by the wolves, the giants, and the trolls and never came back. The king sent another fifty, but the same thing happened. The men never came back.
“Are you not going to send another fifty?” the queen asked the distressed king. “They are feeding my daughter only water and little cherries. She will lose her beauty, shrivel up, and die! Send another fifty in a hurry!”
“No,” the king said, deep in thought, “I have another plan.”
“What plan be it?” the queen asked worriedly.

The king sent for his messenger, and he told him the following words:
“Send a word through out the kingdom. The one man who rescues my daughter will marry her.”

With that the messenger skittered out of the king and queen’s presence and made an announcement throughout the kingdom. However, the news traveled far and wide, to all the other kingdoms of the world, for that is how famous princess Isabella was. Therefore, brave, young and handsome men came from all over the world, trying to free the princess. But the story was the same. Some of them were killed by the wolves, even before they reached the princess; others were eaten by the giants; and those who managed to reach the dungeon were defeated and killed by the trolls.

Days passed, and the days become weeks, and the weeks months, and yet no one was able to rescue the princess. The king went to mourning, for he feared that his daughter was probably dead. The whole kingdom went to mourning, and the golden castle did not look as beautiful anymore without the princess to live in it. It looked faded, dull and sad. Even the gold fish that swam in the moat and the garden ponds swam less happily and more lazily. Only the queen was happy, for she knew that her daughter would soon be no more and that she would soon be the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. But she pretended to mourn and cry and fast. She pretended so well that no one knew how so very happy she really was.

However, one day, a handsome prince from far away came to see the king. He said that he had come up with a plan to rescue the princess.

“What’s the use,” the king said, “when the princess is probably already dead?”
“She is not dead,” he said determinedly, “I have a feeling.”
“What’s the use,” the king said, “when the giants, wolves, and trolls are going to kill you?”
“They won’t kill me,” the young man said, “for my plan is so good.”
“Ha,” the king said, his eyes glowing. “Go ahead and rescue her, but I doubt if you will come back again.”
“Yes, I will, o King,” he said, “and I will marry her.”
After that, the prince left the king and got onto his strong, white steed. He galloped away into the dark forests. After a little while, the wolves came to him. These wolves were big and bad and dangerous. His steed was frightened. It whined and stood on its hinds, throwing the prince to the ground. The prince immediately grabbed his sack. He pulled out steaks of meat and threw them to the wolves. The wolves tore greedily at the meat and gulped it down. A long while did not pass and they fell to the ground, dead.
“Greedy wolves,” the prince laughed. “The meat you ate had poison—the strongest poison in the world. You did not stand a chance.”

He got on his steed and rode on down the twisted path, with nasty sharp thorns on each side. These thorns tore at his steed’s legs and at the prince’s, but they did not stop. After a little while, the giants came and stopped the princes.

“Puny human!”  the leader of the giants shouted. “Stop this instant! We want to tear out your liver and gobble you down.”
“Wait!” The prince shouted. “are you very hungry?”
“Yes, that is why we want to eat you!”
“What if I have something that  will make you never to feel hungry again?”
“What is it?”
“I have a portion that can help you,” the prince said, pulling out a large bottle. “If you drink this portion, you will never get hungry again. I am a very powerful wizard!”
The giants greedily grabbed the bottle and quickly drunk down the portion. Before long, they fell to the ground and began to snore.
“Silly giants,” the prince laughed, getting onto his steed. “You have brain so large that can’t think. You have drunk the most powerful medicine in the world. It will make you sleep for a week.”

After that, the prince galloped away, deeper and deeper into the forest. Finally, he reached the dungeon, inside where the princess was locked. He put a hood over his head and got off his steed.

“Halt!” the trolls shouted, “Who goes there?”
“I have brought a pot of gold for the strongest troll.”
The greedy trolls’ eyes lit up. “Where is it?” they asked.
“Fastened to my steed,” he said, removing the pot of gold and showing it to them. “Here is the gold.”
“But how will you know which of us is strongest?”
“I won’t,” he said, “unless you fight and we see who wins. That is the one I will give the pot of gold.”
All at once the trolls began to fight. They beat each other so hard that they killed each other, and in the end, not one single troll was alive.
“Foolish trolls,” the prince laughed, “you are all equally strong, and now you have killed each other for me.”

After that the prince got into the dungeon and found the princess. She was thin, frail and finished. She could hardly see, for she was so ill. He picked her up and took her outside. He put her on his steed and together, they rode out of the dark forest.
When the prince emerged from the dark forest, still alive and with the princess, everyone went wild with happiness, and amazement. The king was the happiest, for he had his daughter back. The queen was not happy at all, but she pretended so well that no one could tell. The princess was brought into the castle, given food, bathed, and dressed in her clean, royal clothes. Before long, she regained her form and even looked more beautiful than before.
After a while, the brave prince was brought before the princess, the king and the queen.
“This is the man who rescued you.” The king told the princess.

The princess looked upon him with her beautiful, round eyes and immediately fell in love with him. She said:
“I am totally indented to you; whatever can I do to repay you?”
“Marry me.” The prince said.
“That I will gladly do.” She said.
The princess receded from her throne and walked to her prince. He held her in his arms and they kissed. Everyone in the audience applauded. Everyone was happy, everyone but the queen. But this time, she did not pretend so well, for the king caught her glaring at Isabella with an evil, red eye.
“I knew it was you,” he said to her. “You are the one who had the princess sent to the dungeon. I saw you talking to the evil, red trolls at the edge of the forest. You told them to come and kidnap the princess. You arranged the whole thing!”

The queen rattled all over with fear, and she turned as white as a sheet. She stared at the king with bulging eyes.
“What are you going to do to me?” she asked in a tiny, shaky voice.
He chuckled. “I will make sure that you are locked in the very dungeon that Isabella was locked in, and this time, no one will come and rescue you.”

And so that is what the king did. After Isabella and the prince were wed, the king paid the evil, red trolls a pot of gold to lock the queen up in the very dungeon that the princess had been imprisoned, and no one ever came to rescue her. She did not live very long after that—she died from hunger, fear, and depression. As for Isabella and the prince, they lived happily ever after.


Pertama-tama sorry ya kalau judulnya salah 

1. Detective Conan


3.Do re mi